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100% Essential: Briut Essentials

Life is one big incredible journey filled with so many different paths, in them, we know not of the destination or the finishing prize at the end. Well, this may seem like an egg hunt, but if we take the time to look at the even bigger picture we will see only beauty. Now let's get to the beautiful part of this story. OK, you may already have natural products anywhere you can store them, from hair products and skincare, but do you have any for lip care? If not, you're not alone. I'm sure you have been on a product journey, like myself, trying many products but, alas I have found a couple of diamonds in the rough.

I present to you Bruit Essentials the best lip care product that I have ever used:

Bruit Essentials brings the power of organic ingredients and therapeutic essentials oils that penetrate your lips to new heights. I have used other lip balms in the past some of them worked, but others just only scented my lips instead of giving me moisture.

Eucalyptus Lip Balm:

Benefit Facts:

Eucalyptus has a wonderful minty scent and is a very uplifting! It has wonderful antiseptic properties making it the easy choice to soothe those dry, chapped, cut lips and even cold sores! Cool and crisp eucalyptus uplifts spirits and energy while also freshening breath. It is also a perfect ingredient to use when sick as it decongests mucus. Handcrafted with a lovely combination of 100% organic and natural-made products. Only pure ingredients that will leave your lips soft, healthy and hydrated. Made with 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential oil.


  • Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil

  • Organic Beeswax

  • Organic Olive Oil

  • Organic Shea Butter

  • Organic Cocoa Butter

  • Vitamin E

  • 100% Pure Therapeutic-grade Essential Oil

The Eucalyptus Lip Balm is the stuffy nose life saver whenever the dryness hunts me down. I found that eucalyptus is incredible for the skin when diluted with coconut oil. There are some instances in the summer when my lips consistently become dry due to the weather conditions, so I am kind of bummed that I did not have this lip balm at my disposal. Well, I do now!! So let's just say the I am prepared for fall and winter without a doubt. Lip Balm Recommendations: Summer, Fall, Winter. Anytime!

Sage Lip Balm:

Benefits Facts:

This clary sage lip balm provides a soothing, blissful experience to dry, chapped, or sunburned lips. Our sage Lip Balm is powerful and contains a soothing punch to help restore moisture to chapped skin. It also smells absolutely divine! It is lightly scented with 100% pure therapeutic grade Clary Sage essential oil so it’s relaxing, soothing and good for your lips! Handcrafted with a lovely combination of 100% organic and natural-made products. Only pure ingredients that will leave your lips soft, healthy and hydrated. Made with 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential oil. Ingredients;

  • Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil

  • Organic Beeswax

  • Organic Olive Oil

  • Organic Shea Butter

  • Organic Cocoa Butter

  • Vitamin E

  • 100% Pure Therapeutic-grade Essential Oil

This is hands down the best lip balm ever!!!!!! The Clary Sage instantly made me feel so relaxed and my lips were moisturized in the process. There is not much to say without me getting so enthusiastic just by describing this lip balm. The smell is not offensive, the color is light and goldfish. Once applied, I felt the soft swipe of the creamy goodness.

Grapefruit Lip Balm:

Benefit Facts:

Grapefruit… This natural antibacterial will cleanse away any dirt and leave your lips looking flawless! Grapefruit is known for its circulation boosting properties and is a natural energizer. This balm will leave your lips beautifully refreshed! Briut Essential lip balm moisturizes your lips. Handcrafted with a lovely combination of 100% organic and natural-made products. Only pure ingredients that will leave your lips soft, healthy and hydrated. Made with 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential oil.


  • Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil

  • Organic Beeswax

  • Organic Olive Oil

  • Organic Shea Butter

  • Organic Cocoa Butter

  • Vitamin E

  • 100% Pure Therapeutic-grade Essential Oil

My morning cup of coffee in a tube! I feel so awakened when I apply this in the morning, afternoon and even in the night. The ingredients are incredible and simple, also if I can pronounce all of the ingredients listed then this product is natural. I don't believe you have to struggle to understand what's listed on the products you use. That is why I trust Briut Essentials for my overall lip care health .

P.S. Briut Essentials is going to have a Coffee Lip Balm soon, so stay tuned!

Get lip balming!!


Danna Davis

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